Monday, 16 July 2012

Killers ready for duty

So what's all this about then?

This is a micro-blog specifically for my Chaos team - Khorne's Killers.  I already have a blog which I use to talk about my wargaming hobby in general but I thought I'd create this blog purely for charting the progress of my new team as they play their way though a ten game season of Blood Bowl in the CBBBL - the Chelmsford Bunker Blood Bowl League.

Just to give you a bit of history, the CBBBL plays at the Chelmsford Bunker wargames club in Chelmsford, Essex in the UK.  I've run a Blood Bowl league at the club since 2006 but it's only been the last few years that we've had a formal league running at the club.  We have a lot of very experienced coaches at the club; people who attend a fair number of NAF tournaments so they know their way around a Blood Bowl pitch.  We run our own Blood Bowl tournament too - the Bunker Bowl, which is in it's third year in 2012.

You can see the website for the club here : and a link to the Bunker Bowl III page here :
We also have a website for charting and recording the league using the OBBLM software - you can see that site here :

This season is going to be CBBBL V and it's promising to be bloodier than ever.  For no good reason in particular, a number of us have decided to field Chaos teams this year so as well as aiming to win the league, there's a mini "Chaos Cup" bragging rights to be striven for.  I'm making it extra difficult for myself as I've decided to fore-go Chaos Warriors entirely and just stick with Beastmen and a Minotaur.  It's not quite a "theme" as such - more like a "scheme".  Oh well.  It should be fun and, as I have a Khornate team, as long as players die, whether from my own team or my opponents, it's all good in the end.

For CBBBL V, we have a play-off at the end of the 10-game season.  The top four teams will fight it out to see who wins the title of CBBBL V Champion.  I'll be happy to try and be the highest ranked Chaos team but we'll see how we get on.

My first game of the season is already planned; I'll be playing against Paul's Chaos team, the Slaves to Pleasure.  He, along with all the other Chaos teams, have chosen a rather traditional lineup of four warriors, seven beastmen and three rerolls.  It will be interesting to see how my lineup of ten beastmen, a minotaur and four rerolls will get on against them.  I'll be posting up match reports after each game and I'll try to get some photos along the way.  In the meantime, here's the obligatory team shot...

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